Selasa, 13 Maret 2018 A Platform that creates advanced AI apps

Good night all. come back with me arkaasay In this post I will discuss a project called Dbrain. I think the Dbrain project is very promising, because Tipper has a very interesting concept in my opinion, why? Because Dbrain is a platform that creates AI applications. Instead of curious let's look at the article I wrote as follows:

Hello friends, meet me again in this post I will discuss a very amazing project once, this project called  Dbrain  , Dbrain is a blockchain platform that creates AI apps together. Dbarin has an amazing concept, and I think it can change the world, how not? because that's a very smart idea and I think this project will be very promising. for those who have not joined, yuk, also join sekarng !! To find out more about Dbrains project, let me look at the following explanation.


Dbrain offers many workers and data scientists a simple tool to turn data into real AI solutions. Live field workers are rewarded for completing simple data labeling and validation tasks. Data scientists can use the resulting dataset to train AI applications. Companies may want to use an existing solution or request a new one. We automate most AI production workflows and offer all pages of flexible tools, including web apps and telegram bot.


AI supported by blockchain and DBR by Blockchain and DBR 
Cryptocurrency Dbrain connects all stakeholders and easily integrates all stages of AI app development and deployment into a product that democratizes AI.

The SPOCK protocol validates the labeling qualities and achieves the exact accuracy that enables this. PICARD secures private and confidential data security and future revenue for data owners. 
Dbraincoin (DBR) is the internal currency that parties use to pay and accept data usage, AI usage and application on the platform.
Label the image for AI and get Dbarin coins (DBR)
We provide simple tools for crowdworkers and data scientists to turn data into real AI solutions. The machine learning record is still labeled by hand and requires a lot of effort.

Perform simple tasks on image captions and data validation, pay directly with dbraincoins (DBR) and withdraw your earnings at any time.

We have world-class technology

We provide a scalable and accessible infrastructure for super-expensive companies with high-quality AI, integrated with an easy-to-use API.
  • Detection of objects
  • segmentation
  • face recognition
  • classification
  • voice recognition
  • Estimated pose
  • Analysis of arbitrary binary data


Dbrain has a team and a reliable and trusted owner. The core team and consultants have a proven track record and expertise in business development and execution, AI, DL and scalable computing solutions.



For more information, please visit:


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