Rabu, 20 Juni 2018

SHIPIT - Следующее поколение платформы доставки Crowd Express

Впервые я услышал о Биткойне в 2010 году, где цена биткойнов по-прежнему составляет около 10 центов (доллар США). В то время я не инвестировал. Затем я перечитал о криптовалюте в 2015 году, когда цена биткойнов достигла около 200 долларов США. Опять я не инвестировал. В то время было очень сложно найти руководство по криптовалютности. Ни один из моих друзей не понимает, как работает Blockchain или криптовалюта. Я решил написать это руководство, чтобы помочь вам начать инвестировать в мир блокчейнов.

Здесь я расскажу вам о платформе, которая поможет вам, кто хочет инвестировать в криптовалютность, то есть SHIPIT. Есть много людей, которые не знают, как начать инвестировать в криптовалютность, или просто не имеют времени и сил для этого. SHIPIT будет обрабатывать все эти потребности для вас, кто хочет инвестировать.

Используя технологию Blockchain, SHIPIT, безусловно, хочет полностью доверять пользователям этой платформы. Потому что с технологией Blockchain все транзакции и хранение данных являются безопасными, поскольку они реплицируются по сети цепочки блоков, поэтому для изменения одной информации хакер также должен одновременно изменять одни и те же данные на всех компьютерах другого пользователя. Это очень маловероятно. Blockchain похож на большую книгу, где все транзакции прозрачны и могут быть проверены всеми, чтобы обеспечить доверие.

Как работает SHIPIT?

Вы можете общаться с кандидатами, выбирать самые простые, предоставлять свои материалы и отслеживать их в методе доставки. Shipit может проверить своих пользователей и отслеживать каждый груз за один выстрел, чтобы обеспечить доставку товаров. Интерактивный интерфейс упрощает и ускоряет работу. Вам не нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы делать ошибки или пропускать важные детали. Приложение Shipit является простым и интуитивно понятным. Вы должны только фотографировать вещи, которые вы хотите отправить, чтобы злоупотреблять камерой, введите точки A и B вашего пути доставки, введите масштаб и цену продукта и значение, которое вы хотите получить от службы доставки. Эта система может максимально соответствовать вашей обратной связи по информации от людей, отобранных Всемирной организацией здравоохранения. Shipit - это первое приложение такого рода, которое использует как контракты, так и blockchain в качестве базового инструмента для создания более легкой жизни сообщества во всем мире.

Внедряя blockchain, мы хотим создать отношения между участниками, поддерживаемыми прозрачностью и безопасностью, что должно быть целью для каждой системы. Интегрируя документы цифровой валюты, мы хотели бы освободить это приложение от проблем и ограничений, связанных с аутентификацией транзакций. Шипит может быть взаимностью простейших концепций и практики туристов, массовых ресурсов и массовых услуг. мы синтезировали простейшие деловые практики для создания единого и революционного сервиса. Поскольку Uber и BlaBlaCar становятся частью нашей жизни, Shipit станет неотъемлемой частью сестринского дела в рамках поставки продукта. жизнь проще во всем мире. Внедряя blockchain, мы хотим создать отношения между участниками, поддерживаемыми прозрачностью и безопасностью, что должно быть целью для каждой системы. Интегрируя документы цифровой валюты, мы хотели бы освободить это приложение от проблем и ограничений, связанных с аутентификацией транзакций. Шипит может быть взаимностью простейших концепций и практики туристов, массовых ресурсов и массовых услуг. мы синтезировали простейшие деловые практики для создания единого и революционного сервиса. Поскольку Uber и BlaBlaCar являются частью нашей жизни, Shipit будет неотъемлемой частью сестринского дела в рамках поставки продукта. жизнь проще во всем мире.


Команда, стоящая за проектом SHIPIT, может считаться преимуществом для проекта. Команда относительно велика с другими проектами запуска и ICO и состоит из опытных и опытных людей. Кроме того, проект также развивает единственную платформу, есть люди, ответственные за поддержание отношений с сообществами и потенциальными инвесторами, в то время как все стороны рекламы и проектов находятся в хороших руках. Ниже приводится информация от некоторых ключевых членов. Кроме того, вы можете увидеть более подробную информацию на своем официальном сайте, посетите страницу  https://token.shipit.me

Группа продуктов YML

У проекта есть сильная и высококвалифицированная команда, которая, я думаю, способна привести проект на самый высокий уровень в кратчайшие сроки, и я надеюсь, что они преуспеют. Эта команда охватывает основных специалистов из различных отраслей с многолетним опытом. С основными участниками вы можете ознакомиться на официальном сайте, там вы также найдете ссылки на свои личные счета в социальных сетях. Спасибо, друзья прочитали эту статью, я пишу, если у вас больше денег, и вы хотите инвестировать, то я настоятельно рекомендую этот проект. потому что это очень перспективный проект с интересными идеями, а также проект имеет команду профессиональных и надежных. не пропустите.
  для получения дополнительной информации нажмите на ссылку ниже:
Веб-сайт:  https://token.shipit.me
Техническая документация:  https://token.shipit.me/files/en/whitepaper.pdf
Телеграмма:  https://t.me/shipit_chat
Posted By
My Bitcointalk username: azzag0000
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1857030
My ETH Adress: 0x6FfF366a2B8b52ddC137f8A6a7B5b89D07aD345D


TREON- Brings Mobile Dashboard Solutions And Blockchain Based Wallet Solutions

DgDB26gW0AAC1lg (1)

What is Platform Treon.?

Treon is a token based mobile dashboard and wallet solution for utility bill payments, specially designed for the billions of customers using public utilities to settle their bills using blockchain smart contract technology. Treon is a new form of private, instant, verified and reliable transaction. Treon aims to become the new “Utilities Money” to transact on and off utility networks. We envision a world where banked and unbanked consumers are equally enjoying the convenience and security of knowing and paying for what they used from minutes of voice calls, gigabytes of data, kilowatts of electricity, thermal units of natural gas, or gallons of potable water. All from one online and consolidated dashboard running on their smartphones and paying for such usage using the currency of their choice --crypto or fiat - by few simple clicks. Treon also called utility token based on the Ethereum blockchain that will securely and seamlessly help consumers pay for their usage of utilities like, telecom, electricity, water, natural gas through a mobile wallet and app that is connected to the utility companies they are subscribed to.
However, these improvements fall short to keep up with the fast advancements of latest technologies impacting customer experience. For decades, the relationship between customers and their utility providers have been cumbersome and unfriendly where customers were expected to only pay their bills on time or their service gets suspended. Due to the monopolistic history of most telcos, electricity, natural gas, and water companies, customer experience and satisfaction were not on the top of their priorities even after competition was prevalent. It wasn’t before few years ago when utilities started to implement tangible customer-focused improvements to their experience journey. To present consumers and utilities with functional uses of the Blockchain technology, Treon is creating a usage dashboard (app) and an e-wallet. Both are integrated with utilities’ infrastructure through a digital platform built with Ethereum blockchain technology.

Treon Excellence Compared to Others

  • Digitalization of cross border trade agreements in blockchain.
  • Increased operating costs result in savings.
  • Provide marketing tools through trade faster and more efficiently.
  • Improve consumer life
  • Avoid queuing in long lines to pay bills. Pay an invoice with a single click using TXO code.
  • Standard Usage Dashboard. Smart notification of service status.
  • No bank account is no problem ... non-dealer financial income.
  • A real prize for payments with a special TXO to use Green Energy.
  • Convert the utility to the next one
  • Give 80% of the transaction fee to pay the bill.


DgDB26gW0AAC1lg (2)
 In addition to having a talented and trusted Team, Treon also has a very reliable and experienced Advisor. they are the ones who make this project a promising business.
The project has a strong and highly qualified team and adviser, who I think is capable of bringing the project to the highest level in the shortest time possible and I hope they succeed.This team includes major specialists from various industries with years of experience. With the main participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find links to their personal accounts on social networks. The team behind the Treon project can be considered an advantage for the project. The team is relatively large compared to other startup and ICO projects and consists of experienced and skilled people. There are photos and LinkedIn accounts provided alongside members to prove they are real people, because many suspicious projects refuse to show off their members. Regardless of the developer, who keeps the project's technical side and develops the only platform, there are people responsible for maintaining contact with the community and potential investors, while all sides of advertising and marketing strategies are also in good hands. The following is information from some key members. The rest, you can see more details on their official website: https://www.treon.io/#team-wrap

➼ Q1 2017: Start of Ideation and planning.
➼ Q4 2017: Technical architecture and prototype build.
➼ Q1 2018: ICO planning and preparations.
➼ Q4 2018: Enlist Tokens on Crypto exchanges.
➼ Q1 2019: Onboarding Telecom Providers.
➼ Q4 2019: Agreements with Telecom top-up distributors.
➼ Q1 2020:  Agreements with payment gateways.
➼ Q4 2020: Onboarding Electricity companies.
➼ Q1 2021: Smart Contracts for Natural gas companies.
➼ Q4 2021: Onboarding of water Utility companies.
➼ Q1 2022: Telecom reseller Agreement rollout.
➼ Q4 2022: Close all utility providers reseller agreement.
Info Token Treon
  • Token Name: Treon
  • Token Symbol: TXO
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 TXO
  • Allocation: 429.7 Million
  • Soft Cap: 4 Million USD
  • Hard Cap: 25 Million USD
  • Currency: ETH, BTC

for more info please click the link below:

★  Website  ★  ANN  ★  Whitepaper  ★  Twitter  ★  Facebook  ★  Telegram  ★  Reddit  ★

Posted By

My Bitcointalk username: azzag0000
My ETH Adress: 0x6FfF366a2B8b52ddC137f8A6a7B5b89D07aD345D

Rabu, 13 Juni 2018

TRIWER: an express package delivery platform, built with blockchain technology and secure smart contracts

Website:  https://triwer.io/

To better understand about this project take a look at the video trailer below: 
The Triwer platform will enable and encourage the integration of supplier services, and reduce the inefficiency of wasted capacity to unused resources. The Triwer platform will also provide transparency and security for all participants in the supply chain, reduce disputes and losses, lower administrative costs, and increase working capital due to immediate payments. The Triwer package management platform, built to provide an open ecosystem for all participants, uses decentralized Ethereal Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts to publish key process concepts such as partner contracts, ship to goods and recipients, while medium and personal information such as tracking and points -the hot spot is being handled on a private stranger.

Triwer for you, me, and everyone
Cheap, flexible and easy pickup from your package. All are fully insured and documented with smart contracts.

Triwer for professional drivers
Make extra money by filling your empty truck. Find pickup available through our mobile app.

What is Triwer?

Triwer is a revolutionary package delivery platform that eliminates inefficiencies in cargo shipments, while aiming to reduce its carbon footprint. Token Triwer is the original utility token for Triwer platform operation. This platform will be the best option for e-commerce buyers who need point-to-point and express delivery services. This platform eliminates the inefficiencies that exist in cargo shipments in order to reduce carbon footprint. Shipping and accepting experience for businesses and individuals is set to improve because of the best transparency, shipping rates, and tracking of the last mile offered by the platform. Of course for investors please immediately invest your money into the project that I will discuss this. do not regret later if you do not invest your money. because I believe this project is very remarkable. Decentralized Blockchain Technologies, Smart Contracts, and Token Triwer, TRW, are the core of Triwer's delivery management platform, and bring benefits to consumers and shippers, from transparent agreements to direct and direct payments. Triwer also discusses inefficiencies and congestion in Courier Express Parcel Markets (CEPM), allowing logistics and courier companies to use backup capacity better. The Triwer application empowers buyers and online businesses to fully control their shipping needs and achieve the best shipping rates through our internal price comparison engine. Triwer was created to meet the demands of modern e-commerce businesses and their consumers who expect personalized, easy, fast, cheap and secure shipping for their online purchases. Online buyers will be able to personalize their profile with their viewing preferences and bring that profile in multiple online stores to set up the best shipping options.

  Excellence Quote compared to traditional CEP
  • Direct tracking, GPS, and direct remote communications
  • Shipping 100% insured through our insurance partners
  • 7 days a week phone and live chat customer support
  • Paperless system using PickPack TM
  • Sender has greater control over their delivery
  • The diversity of logistics offerings ensures competitive pricing
  • Increased efficiency and allocation of resources
  • CRM, customer preferences and personalization
  • One click registration of goods, transportation and pick up
  • Responsibility, transmission is safer, and less is lost
  • Environmentally friendly


Professional Driver That Will Ensure Safe Delivery of Your Products
The platform will use experienced drivers who already know the market. The platform also ensures that any shipments made through the platform are insured.

Security and transparency using blockchain and smart contracts
 Triwer shipments will be recorded on Ethereum Blockchain with smart contracts for full transparency and decentralized security.

Make environmental impact and reduce CO 2
Full integration with PickPack for paperless delivery. Triwer's logistics efficiency will reduce travel, and Triwer is also dedicated to using and investing in low-emission transport technologies.

On-demand Delivery and Delivery With Real-time Tracking and Last Mile
Anyone with a tablet or smartphone can control their shipping needs with the help of Triwer. They will be able to know what they need for shipping, where they are shipping to and when to expect delivery.

Vision, growth, e-commerce, and rapid expansion
Our mission is clear; becoming the preferred choice for SME e-commerce businesses and their customers in Europe by 2019 and the inaugural mass shipping service in Europe.

Professional reviews and associates
Triwer's business plans, models and white papers have been reviewed by legal counsel, and industry experts and chain blocks while Price Waterhouse Coopers has been appointed as an auditor.

Sales Token

Date: May 15 th 2018
Price: $ 0.08 per TRW token
Bonuses available: 15-25%
Round Ceiling $ 25MM


Triwer was founded in Norway
Development of business concepts and architecture
Research development in the e-commerce and transport sectors
Q1 2018
Beta testing app with industry partners
Mar 2018
Financing the seeds is complete. Successfully raised $ 200k from private investment rounds
May 2018
Mark Date Sales
Triwer Crowd
Jun 2018
Launch engine broker / price comparison & payment Token
July 2018
List TRW at the selected exchange
August 2018
Full Launch Norway & Sweden
Sep 2018
Further expansion into Scandinavia & Northern Europe
Q4 2018
Launching in Southeast Asia
Q1 2019
Further expansion across the EU
Q2 2019
EU strategic acquisitions, collaboration, and joint efforts
Q3 2019
Integration of big data analysis, AI and energy-efficient vehicles.
Extension to Eastern European market
Strategic alliances with Asian and US operators

Details of Tokwer Triwer

Soft Cap: $ 5MM Hard Cap: $ 25MM
Token Symbol: TRW - ERC20
Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000
Available during token sale: 375,000,000
Type of payment received: ETH & BTC

Team Experienced & Dedicated

Author's Note
Thank you friends have read this article that say, if you have more money and you want to invest, then I strongly recommend this project. because this is a very promising project with interesting ideas and also this project has a professional and reliable team. do not miss. Of course for investors please immediately invest your money into the project that I will discuss this. do not regret later if you do not invest your money. because I believe this project is very remarkable. 
Yes to the investors do not forget to invest your money into this project, do not miss the yak. because investors are starting to arrive. Okeh for more details please visit the official website:  https://triwer.io

For more info please visit the link below: 
Posted By
My Bitcointalk username: azzag0000
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1857030

My ETH Adress: 0x6FfF366a2B8b52ddC137f8A6a7B5b89D07aD345D



